Today’s challenge is deceptively simple—hidden among a crowd of adorable white seals is a single marshmallow. Sounds easy?
A multidisciplinary team of researchers at Georgia Tech has discovered how lateral inhibition helps our brains process visual ...
The term CVI can be confusing. Traditionally, CVI stood for Cortical Visual impairment. This means that while the eyes may look healthy there is damage to the visual pathway which results in visual ...
In the brain, not all blood flow is created equal. RIKEN researchers have developed a detailed cortical layer map of the ...
As in larger brains, mouse visual cortex neurons with the same function cluster in columns.
Abstract: Tools such as pens, forks, and scissors play an important role in many daily-life activities, an importance underscored by the presence in visual cortex of a set of tool-selective brain ...
Nevertheless, very promising fundamental and clinical results have been obtained over the past decade concerning many visual disorders even in innate conditions. Implicated mechanisms from the retina ...
As a consequence, an extensive array of cortical dysfunctions can affect visual function. Symptoms experienced by patients range from loss of vision, such as in hemianopia and cortical blindness, to ... Objectives: To test the presence of abnormalities of visual cortical excitability in people using ecstasy as a recreational drug. Methods: Ecstasy users and control subjects underwent ...
The striate cortex is the part of the visual cortex that is involved in processing visual information. The striate cortex is the first cortical visual area that receives input from the lateral ...