4. Once the "My Textbooks" tab has been moved into the top section, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save". The VitalSource "My Textbooks" link will then appear in your course navigation.
The bookstore, working to keep student textbooks costs to a minimum, will offer a digital option when available. We work with our third-party digital provider, VitalSource, to offer digital books when ...
The eLibrary will list whether an item is pending fulfillment. For VitalSource materials, students MUST access them for the first time through their Online Bookstore eLibrary account by clicking "Read ...
This program automates the printing of PDF's from the VitalSource Bookshelf. The VitalSource Bookshelf usually only lets the user print 2 pages at a time, and manually doing this for the entire book ...
Most ebooks purchased at the Campus Store are through VitalSource, which has its own "Read Aloud" feature in the VitalSource Bookshelf app. Most other electronic textbooks have a similar feature, but ...
VitalSource is an online store for text books. Unfortunately, access to the purchased content is extremely limited. You have to use VitalSource's apps to read the books (no PDFs) and printing is ...