A clock circuit that keeps counting from a set number down to zero. If the event it is monitoring occurs before it reaches zero, it resets to the starting number and starts counting down again.
/Watchdog_for_RaspberryPi |-- /ATTiny | |-- WDtimer.c .c source file | |-- WDtimer.h .h source file | |-- /Hardware | |-- Watch_dog_for_RPi_BP_Rev2.pdf Circuit ...
This project aims to implement the watchdog timer driver for the ATmega328p AVR and STM32f401xE microcontrollers and test its functionality using a blinking LED. The watchdog timer is a crucial safety ...
A similar version of this article appeared in the April 2007 issue of Power Electronics Technology magazine. Most watchdog-timer ICs produce a single, limited-duration output pulse when the watchdog ...
I made a lot of tests with the watchdog on my LP-AM263x. Can someone explain my why I have to clear the watchdog timer in one-tenth of the "WDT Expiry Time" set in SysConfig? As an example when I set ...
I follow Timer1 's watchdog demo code to test the watchdog , and the watchdog must work ,the PC jump when timeout, but it did not jump to my software entry ... IS this some example from Processor SDK ...