最近のプリンター複合機は、上位モデルだけでなく下位機種までWi-Fiに対応しており、もはやワイヤレスの操作は当たり前。パソコンの近くに置かなくてもよいのが利点だが、無線の御利益をさらに感じるのがスマホだ。スマホから写真を直接印刷できるので、スマホカメ ...
MSN による配信1月
How to connect a printer to WiFi
Select your WiFi network from the list and enter the password when prompted. Once connected, print a configuration page to confirm the connection and note your printer's IP address. Xerox's method ...
If a printer does not have any Ethernet or Wifi connection it's not possible to print directly from other machine in the local network. This flask app creates a webeserver that can accepts and prints ...
Most cameras allow you to instantly transfer images from a camera to a smartphone via Bluetooth, and you can print photos directly from your phone.
Those in desperate need of a Wi-Fi connection could attempt to restore ... to Windows 10 and Windows 11 resulted in any connected printer being labelled as a HP model, with a HP printer app ...