There’s a bunch of simple WiFi-enabled outlets on the market today, and all of these blister-pack goodies seem to have something in common – crappy software. At least from the hacker’s point ...
This plug also has an Away Mode, which switches devices on ... The TP-Link Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip (HS300) offers six independently controllable outlets and three USB ports.
Python Library for Interacting with Leviton Decora Smart WiFi Switches & Dimmers. The code is reverse engineered from the myLeviton Android app and includes an "API scraper" python script that ...
After spending some much time curating beautiful room interiors, the last thing you want is for your light switches and power outlets to create an eyesore in your scheme, creating a jarring feature.
Fortunately, HomeUI by Rob Owen fills the gap with a native visionOS app focused on lights, electrical outlets, and switches. The marquee feature of HomeUI is that it allows you to create small ...