その特徴は、液晶画面を搭載したタブレット端末のような専用コントローラー「Wii Uゲームパッド」にありました。テレビとゲームパッドという2 ...
任天堂は1月16日、Nintendo Switchの後継機種 「Nintendo Switch 2」 の予告映像を公開した。発売時期は2025年で価格は未定。ここでは、予告映像から読み取れる「新たな遊び方」に関する考察をお届けしよう。
Sudomod forum user [banjokazooie] has concocted his own RetroPie console from the husk of a WiiU controller — an ingenious demonstration of how one can recycle hardware to a perfectly suited ...
It’s been just a bit over a year since the Wii U was released along with the extremely impressive Wii U controller. With a D-pad, analog sticks, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, camera ...
Collection of config files for the controller patcher. These files are compatible will all app that use the controller_patcher engine (e.g. HID to VPAD, loadiine GX2).
The Nintendo Wii U Pro controller will join the Nintendo Wii U GamePad when the next gen console lands. Here's what we made of it Snuck into the announcement that the Wii U controller will be ...
This will only work on Debian Jessie based distributions. So you either have to get the latest Raspbian version (Debian Jessie based) and use the RetroPie-Setup script or use RetroPie 3.5. Now you're ...