CAROLINE HERSCHEL: Are they recording? William, press record will you? WILLIAM HERSCHEL: We are rolling, Caz, chill out. CAROLINE HERSCHEL: Oh hello SciTubers! I am Caroline Herschel and this ...
R. Burgess, Portraits of doctors & scientists in the Wellcome Institute, London 1973, no. 1379.10 Patricia Fara, Scientists anonymous, Thriplow 2005, p. 83, fig. 8 ...
Astronomy Now '… nicely produced … This book can be recommended to anyone with an interest in what Herschel did, and to all deep-sky observers.' The Observatory '… the catalogue of objects is a ...
In 1796, she was given an annual salary of £50 by King George III for her role as assistant to William, making her the first woman to be paid for her contribution to science. What were the prevailing ...
The illustrations are also organized in a useful way." - Paul Lawler, reviewer for "...the catalogue of objects is a magnificent achievement that would have delighted William (and ...
In this he was tirelessly assisted by his remarkable sister Caroline, who doubled as his soprano soloist, and who is credited with discovering at least five comets herself. William married very late ...