2025年は、ネイルアートがより大胆で未来的、かつサステナブルな方向へと進化する。各国『VOGUE』のカバーを担当するベアトリス・エニ、そしてハリウッドのAリスターたちのレッドカーペットネイルを手がける工藤絵美からのインサイトをもとに、今年注目のトレ ...
7人組ガールズグループ「2FACE(トゥーフェイス)」が28日に初のCD「My Boo(マイブー)」をリリースした。同時に、公式YouTubeでMVが公開された。
In 1999, many worried that the world's computers couldn't handle the change to the year 2000 — and some even thought that the apocalypse was near. Today, “Y2K” often refers to a popular fashion choice ...
Join the Nevada Museum of Art in stepping back into the dawn of the millennium with this month’s Art After Dark: Y2K Prom.
We may earn an affiliate commission from links. If you were dressing yourself in the early 2000s, you might feel some kind of way about Y2K fashion ruling the runways and the sidewalks once again.
Sure, there were issues that hint at the global catastrophe that the Y2K bug might have been, but most, including The Register rolling over to "year Zero," were worth little more than a chuckle. That ...
Reflecting on Y2K, a quarter-century on. Credit: Credit: Stacey Zhu; Lo-So-Ma / E+ / Maryna Terletska / Moment / Anna Efetova / Moment / EyeEm Mobile GmbH / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Evgeniia ...
Simply put, many feared January 1, 2000, would bring mass chaos. Television news contributed to Y2K fears, often running features on survivalists who were unplugging and isolating from society in ...