and Apple HomeKit ). Can Z-wave devices be integrated with other smart home devices and platforms? If your Z-wave hub and ...
Instead, Z-Wave LR devices operate on a star network topology, which connects directly to devices via a central gateway hub. Z-Wave LR has a maximum line-of-sight wireless range of 1.5 miles when ...
This project uses the Apple HomeKit accessory server library ESP-HomeKit from @MaximKulkin for ESP-OPEN-RTOS. Although already forbidden by the sources and subsequent licensing, it is not allowed to ...
With this Homebridge plugin you can use Airthings WavePlus with Apple HomeKit. This code is heavily based on the work of iler's homebridge-airthings-waveplus accessory, and the work of pakastin! This ...
according to the Z-Wave Alliance, presuming you've got the right star-shaped hub network. By using a star network topology instead of a more traditional mesh, Z-Wave LR reduces the need for hubs ...