Zebra mussels are highly adaptable and can survive in a variety of water temperatures and conditions. A single female zebra mussel can produce up to a million eggs per year. As the eggs are ...
The zebra mussel’s reproductive and living habits have raised concerns that they may affect the aquatic environment. They are filter-feeders, which can result in less food available for other native ...
Quagga mussels have been found across Texas and in Lake Texoma. If you find a quagga mussel, please take photos and report it immediately by calling (918) 683-1031. * Pictures of quagga mussels at end ...
Zebra mussel is a prohibited invasive species. It is illegal to possess, import, purchase, transport, or introduce these species (including hybrids or cultivars) except under a permit or statutory ...
Fourteen months after live zebra mussels were found in Clear Lake in Manitoba, Parks Canada says it's not feasible to ...
Help ensure Maine's lakes stay healthy! With the recent discovery of invasive zebra mussel infestations so close to the Maine border in Canada, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is ...
Zebra mussels are a highly invasive species of mussel that are native to eastern Europe and have spread to U.S. waters. The DNR said they pose a significant risk to Georgia, as they could cause major ...
1997), which may result in an overall shift of the trophic state of the colonized freshwater ecosystems (Kumar et al., 2016). The impact of zebra mussel on N cycling is manifold and includes enhanced ...