In the 2023/24 financial year, South Africa lost R54 billion due to the sharing of revenues from customs and excise duties as a part of the Southern African Customs Union ...
The annual Bank Windhoek Estate Agent Awards recently celebrated outstanding performers in the Windhoek property market. Recognising excellence in residential ...
The Jaecoo J7, a luxury sub-brand of Thailand’s Chery, has recently gained significant traction in the South African market, securing a top ten spot in new passenger car ...
The Windhoek Hockey Tournament is back for its third consecutive year, promising an exciting and action-packed event that will bring together schools players from across ...
Hüfthohe Gräser glitzern morgens schillernd mit Tau beladen. In der Frühe is der Himmel noch blank. Nachmittags folgt der Gewitterguss. In die guten Nachrichten der ...
The FNB Schools Mountain Bike (MTB) League kicked off to an exciting start on Saturday at the IJG Trails in Windhoek. This follows three successful Coastal League events that ...
Konsum, vor allem bei Kleidung: Von der Frühlings- über die Sommer-, zur Herbst-, bis hin zur Winterkollektion - die Kleiderschränke füllen sich. Wo die Kleidung herkommt ...
Von Henriette Lamprecht(Bearbeitet von S. Noechel)WindhoekStaatsbeamte im Ruhestand, die kostenlos in staatlichem Häusern wohnen, Ausschreibungsunterlagen, die regelmäßig ...
Von Brigitte Weidlich WINDHOEKDer Swapo-Hinterbänkler Phillipus Katamela stellte am Dienstag den Antrag, dass eine bestehende Regel für Mitgliedschaft im neuen ...
Plant productivity across many central parts in Namibia has improved since January, but is still critically dry in the far west and south. According to the 'State of the ...
Graham Hopwood, executive director of the Institute for Public Policy and Research (IPPR), has called on the government to implement proper governance measures for the ...
Windhoek (km) - Die Feier des Welt-Pangolin-Tages in Namibia wird am Samstag, den 15. März, in Windhoek nachgeholt. Nachdem der ursprüngliche Termin der Feierlichkeiten am ...