Analysis of vibrations in single- and multidegree-of-freedom systems. Free and forced vibrations with various types of damping. Response to transite-state and transient excitations. Complex machines ...
Introduction to a wide range of computational techniques for engineering design. Modeling, simulation, optimization, design software, examples/projects with emphasis on computational techniques for ...
Introduction to microelectromechanical devices with an emphasis on their manufacturing and mechanical behavior. Material properties, microfabrication technology, mechanical behavior of of ...
Thermodynamics-I (ME-220 or equivalent), Fluid Mechanics (ME-241, and ME-373) or graduate standing or consent of the instructor. The course begins with the general definition of heat in thermodynamics ...
Technological Institute 2145 Sheridan Road, Room B224, Evanston, IL 60208 ...
Technological Institute 2145 Sheridan Road, Room B224, Evanston, IL 60208 ...
Fundamentals of heat transfer by conduction, convection, radiation. Steady and transient heat conduction in solids. Forced and free convection in fluids. properties of thermal radiation. Radiation ...
Modeling the dynamic behavior of physical systems. Concepts of causality, dependent and independent storages, and state. Introduction to bond graphs. Generation of state equations; analytical and ...
Friction. Kinetics of rigid bodies in planar motion. Equilibrium of rigid bodies. Mass centers and moments of inertia of rigid bodies, dynamics of rigid bodies in planar motion. Kinetics of particles.
Computational fluid dynamics is an important tool to investigate fluid flow problems in industry and academia. This course can be taken without prior background in computational techniques. A ...
A student with a good scholastic record may be admitted to the Undergraduate Honors Program during the junior or pre-senior year. At the time of admission, the student must have a cumulative grade ...
Technological Institute 2145 Sheridan Road, Room B224, Evanston, IL 60208 ...