Dubai’s latest $1 billion USD (~$1.6 billion AUD) luxury project, Regent Residences, will have twin towers connected by a ...
Dubai's $1 billion USD (~1.6 billion AUD) 122-story skyscraper will become the world's tallest residential building. Features ...
Ward Harris Patton III and Ruth Ann Lovelace, of Waynesville, North Carolina, sold their home at 6227 Elmwood Ave. to Lucy ...
Fox Street Investments LLC sold the home at 620 Fox St. to David and Linda Finlon, of Saluda, North Carolina, for $567,000.
SLOW. Water normal stain; 50 degrees; 0.28 feet above pool. Few anglers on the water due to the weather, but expect a slow bite. Crappie can be caught ...
Editor's note: Home of the Week is a paid sponsorship and prints in our Friday Real Estate Section.
よく冷えたグラスにボール形の氷をカランと入れ、琥珀(こはく)色の液体を注ぐと、はちみつを思わせるフローラルな香りが漂う。口に含むとキャラメルやバニラのような濃厚な甘味に、わずかな酸味とスパイシーさが広がり、余韻が長く続いた。主席ブレンダーが手掛ける名 ...
2 日on MSN
福島第一原子力発電所で、2号機の使用済み燃料プールからの燃料取出しに向け、取出し装置を動かすための“レール”の設置が3月14日に完了した。2号機の使用済み燃料プールには使用済み燃料587体と、未使用の燃料28体の、合わせて615体の燃料が保管されてい ...
The luxury home market in Santa Rosa County started the year off strong, with five homes going for between $1.2 million and ...
The development includes 83 waterfront acres that will have 215 custom homes, private boat slips, a dog park, walking trails ...
The Scheels Aim High Big Sky Recreation Center has adjusted its operating hours for the recreational pool The hours, beginning in early March, are Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4-7:30 p.m.
3 日on MSN
世界中にファンを持つサントリーのウイスキー。同社山崎蒸溜所(大阪府島本町)で主席ブレンダーを務める輿石太さん(61)は、「山崎」や「白州」、「響」などの看板商品を手掛けてきた。さまざまな香りや味の原酒を組み合わせて、多彩なウイスキーを生み出すブレンダ ...