Azure Printed Homes, an innovative leader in sustainable 3D-printed housing, is proud to announce the launch of its $4.2 ...
Leaders of the top 3D printer manufacturers are confident their companies can help America reshore manufacturing.
Engineers at Johns Hopkins University, including Jochen Mueller and Sarah Propst, have introduced a new 3D printing language ...
A recent breakthrough in Architected materials science could revolutionize how the world thinks of matter. Through the use of specially designed interlaced architecture and new materials, engineers ...
Researchers have developed a 3D-printed |brain-like environment| where neurons grow similarly to a real brain.
Key cells in the brain, neurons, form networks by exchanging signals, enabling the brain to learn and adapt at incredible speed. Researchers of the ...
Key cells in the brain, neurons, form networks by exchanging signals, enabling the brain to learn and adapt at incredible ...
Researchers from the University of Toronto have used 3D printing to create nano-architected materials that are both strong and light.