Alabama Connections Academy is a tuition-free, online public school for grades K-12. All public schools in Alabama, including online public schools, are required to teach the same curriculum and meet ...
The envy of every school choice state” is how a bill author teased legislation designed to bring school choice to the Lone ...
Educators, homeschool parents and lobbyists crowded into a subcommittee meeting for House File 88 containing a slate of ...
Members of a subcommittee advanced an education bill Monday that supporters said would help parents homeschooling children, ...
Increased tax credits for home schooling, exemptions for blood lead testing for home-schooled children and implementing ...
This purposeful searching will most likely lead to even more youths being exposed to harmful media.” The internet is central ...
Homeschooled kids constitute a population group that I’ve always wanted to try to understand better, but it’s a super hard methodological problem. There’s no central database that tracks them.