Did the upstart Chinese tech company DeepSeek copy ChatGPT to make the artificial intelligence technology that shook Wall ...
Wednesday's results, meanwhile, came after DeepSeek upended tech stocks this week, following rising popularity in an AI chatbot and claims that its AI technology requires far less money and far fewer ...
The Authors Guild has set up an online portal for members to certify that their books “emanated from the human intellect” and not from artificial intelligence.
〈ゲスト〉 ・橋本大也|デジタルハリウッド大学教授 ...
作家・村上春樹さんがディスクジョッキーをつとめるTOKYO FMのラジオ番組「村上RADIO」(毎月最終日曜 ...
子どもの読書教育アプリを手がけるYondemy(ヨンデミー、東京・中央)は、人工知能(AI)が子どもに読書感想文の書き方を指導する新機能を31日に投入する。広告費用などに充てるため、ベンチャーキャピタル(VC)のXTech ...