The Beatles' 'Abbey Road' cover became one of the most recognizable photographs of all time. Here's the story behind the relic.
The Beatles bring Let It Be back to several charts in the U.K. this week, as the final release from the rockers is a ...
George Harrison might have taken a while to get the ball rolling in The Beatles, but he managed to build a sizeable chunk of ...
The Beatles already have a healthy lineup of classics, so George Martin didn't necessarily gravitate towards everything they ...
Robbie Williams ties The Beatles' record for the most No. 1 albums of all time in the U.K. as his Better Man soundtrack ...
Amanda Palmer would stare at The Beatles' 'Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band' cover for 45 minutes at a time.
Cher tried her hand at one of The Beatles' "The Long and Winding Road," and fell flat on her face. She covered two lackluster Paul McCartney ballads on one album.
After a few years as a (mostly) covers band, The Beatles were hardly poised to break out of their working-class town in ...
One of the main ways he did that was by delivering rendition of their songs. Check out three of Bowie's best covers, below.
Paul McCartney and John Lennon formed a formidable creative partnership, collaborating on the vast majority of The Beatles' ...
歌手のロビー・ウィリアムス(50)が通算15作目のソロアルバムで1位を獲得、ザ・ビートルズの記録に並んだ。先日のUKアルバムチャートで自身の伝記映画『BETTER MAN/ベター・マン』のサウンドトラックが首位に輝いたロビー、同新作は他のト ...