Tiger lilies, or lilum lancifolium, are a vibrant perennial flower, destined to inject color into any area of your yard.
With plenty of sun forecast across the United Kingdom this weekend, it’s the perfect time to get down in the dirt and prepare ...
For plants, perennials or shrubs, for example, a rough guide is to plant no closer than half the plant’s eventual height shown on the label. If in doubt, plant slightly more widely. Not every seed ...
THINK of a conifer, and the first thing that comes to your mind is probably a massive Leylandii looming over your garden.
For a rhubarb patch that’s productive from February right through to August, you’ll also need to add a midseason variety such ...
Angelina Master Gardeners will hold their annual Spring Plant Sale beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday, March 29, at the Master ...
Once scorned for its fat content, cow’s milk is making a comeback – full-fat and proud. With sales soaring and plant-based ...
Potatoes are some of the earliest plants that can go in the garden. Some gardeners aim for planting on or around St. Patrick’s Day, while others of us will be lucky to have them planted by Mother’s ...
Rain garden plants can be used to create a low-maintenance, wildlife-friendly space to deal with runoff after downpours ...
Spring is just around the corner, and if you want your garden to look its best, there are certain jobs to carry out as soon ...
Gardening guru Craig Wilson has shared his planting guide for the year, advising gardeners exactly when to plant various ...