Birds of prey, or raptors, are carnivorous birds that hunt and kill prey using a combination of their keen senses, strong talons and sharp, hooked beaks. Ranging from the minuscule falconet to the ...
HEN HARRIERS are the most "intensely persecuted" of all the UK's birds of prey, with numbers declining due to illegal killing ...
As predators and scavengers, birds of prey are vital to balanced and healthy ecosystems. We have national and international responsibilities to safeguard them and try to bring them back to places from ...
There are decades of RSPB and Government data, scientific studies, intelligence and police prosecutions that prove the illegal killing of protected birds of prey (raptor persecution) is a serious ...
Alberta is home to a wide variety of birds, including songbirds, waterfowl, shorebirds, birds of prey and many others, several of which are at the northern or eastern edge of their breeding range.