which was renamed "The Prison of the Gods." All the pre-Buddhist cults were suppressed. Spirit mediums left the shrines to become strolling musicians, dancers, and actors. But the people found it ...
Buddhism is a tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development. Buddhists strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life and do not worship gods or deities. Buddhism is a spiritual ...
📜 Building Angkor: A Clash of Gods - Jayavarman VII, a Buddhist pacifist, was forced to give up his pacifism and rise to the throne at the age of 60. But once seated on the throne, he built ...
NARA--A special exhibition of statues of the Buddhist god Bishamonten selected from temples and museums opened at the Nara National Museum here on Feb. 4. The show, “Bishamonten--Guardian of the ...