Targeting "social transitioning" is a new frontier even for hardcore anti-trans conservatives like Rep. Mary Bentley.
The American Legion will be stationed at the Mannford First Baptist Church to help veterans apply for grants. The Red Cross ...
Kelleigh was in London last week to present a songwriters round at the Apple store in Covent Garden & we were thrilled to catch up with her.
GNAW BONE — The Pentecostals, 60 Mt. Liberty Road, have a food pantry open every Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. For more ...
The Trump administration says the group should be treated as an invading force. Critics say it’s a pretext for the ...
DBA: The Lexington Ledger Contact: (803) 587-3144 Tips call the hotline at: (803) 587-3144 email: [email protected] Content protected by US copyright laws ...
The Welsh Society of Northwest Ohio will hold a Ladies Tea from 3-4:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 4, in the fellowship hall of Gomer Congregational Church, 7350 Gomer Road. Laura Jenkins Gorun, a renowned ...
Gov. Kevin Stitt has issued a state of emergency for 12 counties after wildfires caused destruction throughout Oklahoma on Friday. The state of emergency was declared for Cleveland, Creek, Dewey, ...