The show is a continuation of the Big Thunder draft horse show, held at The Ranch for years that also featured draft horses. Enos Yoder said they were contacted by The Ranch and asked to continue ...
The entire team made four of 28 three-pointers. The UCLA men’s basketball team must adapt from playing in sleepy Pac-12 arenas to energized Big Ten gyms packed with rowdy fans this season.
When Tyler Bilodeau, Kobe Johnson and the other UCLA starters approach center court for tipoff against Nebraska on Saturday inside Pinnacle Bank Arena, the roars from a sold-out crowd washing over ...
Penalty: Disqualification of Covered Horse's Race results, including forfeiture of all purses and other compensation, prizes, trophies, points, and rankings and repayment or surrender (as ...
The requiem mass of Janet Wanja, who succumbed to gall bladder cancer, is underway at the Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani Indoor Arena. Janet Wanja will be laid to rest on January 3. Photos: ...
The parade has evolved significantly since its inception, where it initially drew 3,000 spectators with flower-covered, horse-drawn carriages. Today, the floats are technological and artistic marvels ...
The parade has evolved significantly since its inception, where it initially drew 3,000 spectators with flower-covered, horse-drawn carriages. Today, the floats are technological and artistic ...
Roughly a hundred attendees arrive via hotel shuttle bus to the arena (the parking lots have not been paved), where they are quickly shuffled inside through a back door. An atrium hosts a welcome ...
He said the CHRB also counts fatalities not tracked by HISA, mentioning other breeds and a young Thoroughbred not yet considered a Covered Horse under HISA. "Part of the weight on our shoulders is ...
A 9-year-old boy and a woman were burned Monday afternoon after using an indoor ignitable liquid flame kit, Anne Arundel County fire officials said.Officials said firefighters were called around 3 ...
Hundreds of people filled the indoor arena, where an enormous dirt floor ... Wisconsin who also rode a horse in the Rose Parade of 1979, served as the master of ceremony.