To fill the fun gap, at least for now, [James Biggar] built what you can’t buy: an all-electric dune buggy. And lest you think this was a kit build, be assured that the summary video below shows ...
and its first ground-up new model is a very unusual-looking cross between a buggy and a sports car, which promises to be exceptionally light for an electric vehicle. The Callum Skye weighs just ...
Toro's stand-on battery-powered e2500s come in a high-lift model that can dump at a height of over 6 feet or a model that can ...
With a carrying capacity of 1,250 pounds at full 76-inch dump height and 12.8 cubic feet volume, it’s ready to take on the ...
Has Fulham suddenly turned into a golf course? No, those electric carts are Yo-Gos. Ten of the bright yellow golf-cart style buggies are being trialled until October as part of a micro mobility ...
Toro debuted the electric swivel Ultra Buggy e2500-TS, a material hauler designed to tackle labor-intensive tasks. With ...