We’ve prepared these simple tips to answer the pressing question: How do you create an emergency preparedness plan for your family? With the generous support of people like you, our emergency teams ...
Creating a family preparedness plan can be a difficult conversation to have, she said, because it can be frightening and ...
Teach family members how to use text messaging ... the key to survival in disasters is planning. Use our preparedness section to stay informed, make a plan, and most importantly—remain safe ...
A comprehensive disaster preparedness plan is essential to keeping calm tenants and minimal business disruptions during an ...
Monday’s topic is “Family Preparedness Plans & NOAA Weather Radios.” When making any severe weather plan, the first step is to prepare an emergency home kit. This would include flashlights ...
A power outage can happen anywhere and anytime. The culprits can range from winter storms, high winds and thunderstorms to ...
As we look to the future of our growing and thriving community, it is my duty as your mayor to ensure that we are not only ...
What is a family preparedness plan? “A family preparedness plan is kind of a road map to a family and their child's current living situation and what to anticipate in an event of a possible ...