A popular Rockstar Games insider has claimed GTA 6 will be the first game from Rockstar to sell its online component standalone from day one.
続報が待たれる超期待作『 グランド・セフト・オート6 』ですが、『GTA V』でトレバー役を演じた俳優のスティーブン・オッグがカメオ出演のアイデアを海外メディア・ Screen Rant のインタビューで語りました。
Vermeij agrees, adding, "It would be better if R* did quality remasters of their classic games." It's a shame Rockstar takes ...
The best Grand Theft Auto games involve plenty of crime and violence, so it's no wonder that some of their endings are truly ...
Almost all of Rockstar’s PC catalog is currently on sale right on Steam. That includes games like Red Dead Redemption II, ...
セール終了間際のタイトルから,名作や特にお買い得なタイトルを厳選して紹介する連載「今週のすべり込みセール情報」。今週はXbox Game Studiosの「Age of Empires IV」が半額の2145円,「Age of Empires: Definitive Edition」が75%オフの500円と,お買い得になっています!