Snape and Slughorn may be some standout Hogwarts professors, but there were even more that the movies never introduced.
The magic is back but with a twist! The Harry Potter TV series is casting characters as we speak, and there's chatter about 10-year run.
Explore the world of fanfiction websites for readers and writers. Find top platforms to read, write and share fan-created ...
12 日
MSN による配信Guide to Universal Orlando's Wizarding World of Harry Potter: Everything you need to know ...Here's everything you need to know to plan a trip to Universal Orlando's Wizarding World of Harry Potter, including the key ...
文=瀧川かおり、画像=『ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝PART1』©2010 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. 1月24日の『金曜 ...
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【メルボルン=共同】テニスの全豪オープン車いすの部は25日、メルボルンでシングルス決勝が行われ、女子で第1シードの上地結衣(三井住友銀行)が第2シードのアニク・ファンクート(オランダ)に6-2、6-2でストレート勝ちし、5年ぶり3度目の優勝を果たした ...