“Management of input costs is a key business concern and can mean the difference between operational profit or loss, and when it comes to hay waste, using the right type of bale feeder can make a ...
However, hay waste occurs during feeding and storing of round bales. Using a feeder and properly storing round bales can help reduce your hay waste. Hay waste differs between round-bale feeder designs ...
Reducing hay waste can be a worthwhile investment in any year, but when hay prices are elevated it pays quickly. Trial 1: Buskirk et al. (2003) evaluated large round bale feeder design and the ...
expect hay waste to exceed 25% of the original bale weight. The term “waste” may be considered a matter of perspective, because the “wasted” hay does provide soil nutrients and organic matter to the ...
Small square-bale feeder design affects the following when used for feeding adult horses in outdoor paddocks. No feeder, hay fed on the ground ($0) We placed two feeders of each type in separate, ...
Truline Bale feeder, straight and neat, ready to go to work. 4250 GST Features .... New Galv Cattle Calf Hay Feeder Suit Rolls or Big Squares of hay Highest bidder can select more, subject to ...
In the first trial, Undi compared the performance of cattle fed hay in a bale feeder in a dry lot daily to cows provided with four bales at a time in a pasture, bale grazing setting. He determined ...