As a windswept, arid land, the Tabernas Desert in Andalusia has become a legendary film set. Over 300 movies and series, ...
Video games based on movies can be excellent, but they rarely push the envelope when it comes to gameplay, graphics, or even ...
From 'Star Wars' to 'Indiana Jones', delve into our list of the best Harrison Ford movies and TV shows with IMDb ratings of 7 ...
An irresistible and immersive global treasure hunt, and far and away the best Indy story this century, Indiana Jones and the ...
Post-awards season blitz, March is a month for digging into old movie classics and smaller-release films. Here are five films ...
Kathleen Kennedy has confirmed she isn't retiring from Lucasfilm anytime soon, despite reports of the contrary. That said, ...
There’s one reason Gene Hackman’s dazzling acting career stands out for sports fans: His unforgettable role as Norman Dale, ...