輝翠TECH株式会社(本社:宮城県仙台市、代表取締役:ブルーム タミル)は、農業データを活用した新たな農業DX基盤「Newton(ニュートン)」の本格的な開発に着手したことをお知らせいたします。これは、自律走行可能な電動運搬ロボット「Adam」の製造 ...
Autism is one of those topics that need to be addressed more often. Here are some famous people who are autistic ...
The Marvel Universe has not shied away from using real-world figures in its stories. Here are 10 real people from history who ...
Mathematical equations have shaped our understanding of the universe, and these nine have played a key role in changing the world.
Growing up, many of us hear about historical events that sound real, so we take them as fact. Yet, in … Continue reading ...
The planet 51 Pegasi b is a long way from Prior Lake, 48 light years (several billion miles) to be exact. It orbits a fifth magnitude star, similar to our Sun, in the constellation Pegasus. It was ...
There will be some questions on Winchelsea but the quiz will rapidly spiral into many directions. This year the eight rounds ...