Antimicrobials, vaccines, and anti-inflammatories associated with reduced risk for Alzheimer disease and dementia.
Oral microbial diseases, such as dental caries, periodontal diseases, oral candidiasis, and mucositis, pose significant ...
Small companies attempting to help solve a global crisis in drug-resistant infections with novel treatments are facing a wall ...
Superbugs are microorganisms – not just bacteria, but also viruses, parasites, and fungi – that can cause infectious diseases ...
In an analysis of health data from 130million people, British researchers found medications which could potentially increase, ...
In the field of biomedical nanotechnology, chitosan and alginate —both naturally derived biopolymers — have garnered significant attention due to their ...
You and I, when we go to clinics, we look up to physicians as upholding better values. But perhaps, that is too much to ask.
1.概要  日本各地で問題となっている外来アリ類を防除するため、東京都立大学の江口克之准教授、寺山守客員研究員、沓掛丈(博士課程)、松本和也(当時学部4年生)、森林総合研究所の砂村栄力主任研究員、東京都八丈島八丈町 ...
複数の抗生物質に対して耐性を持つ細菌であるスーパーバグが世界中で猛威を振るっています。スーパーバグに感染すると抗生物質による感染症治療が難しくなるため、世界中で毎年約500万人が死亡しているそうです。そんなスーパーバグに対処するため、研究者はカキの血 ...
The AC is the highest honour that Australia can bestow upon a citizen and we congratulate James Edelman on being awarded it.