With seemingly countless types of climbing roses, finding the right, easy-care variety is a challenge. Thankfully, our professional gardener revealed her pick.
Do you want to enjoy the beauty of plentiful rose blooms? These are common mistakes that could be preventing your plants from ...
For summer flowering shrubs, late winter/early spring, before green up begins, is the best time to prune for them to look ...
It is indeed a sexual difference. Sago palms are either male or female, and what you are seeing is the difference in the ...
The bloom is off the rose for these Illini (14-6, 6-4 Big Ten), who went from being underrated by the college basketball ...
Flowers feed pollinators, conserve soil, purify water, and even remove toxins from the air. But the thing many of us adore ...
Hellebores have long been prized by gardeners for their very beautiful, long-lasting, saucer-shaped flowers, which emerge ...
Roses have a reputation for specialized care requirements. However, roses are hardy plants and easy to grow with some basic ...
Hydrangeas are popular garden plants that can be seen in many British gardens, and the RHS has shared the best time to prune ...
Sydney’s long-awaited corpse flower has finally bloomed, drawing flies, creating hours-long queues and capturing thousands of ...
It's time to think about buying and chitting those yummy 'Earlies' seed potatoes so they're ready to plant in March ...