What does a Roman Emperor know about self-discipline? A lot, as it turns out! In this video, we explore Marcus Aurelius’ Stoic philosophy and his powerful perspective on aligning your life’s purpose ...
There’s a fundamental difference, though, between the self-improvement advice given by the likes of Tate and the philosophy ...
Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD) was a Roman emperor and a Stoic philosopher ... Vincent di Norcia 2022 Vincent di Norcia is a retired Laurentian University philosophy prof living in Barrie, Ontario. He ...
His work had a huge influence upon Marcus Aurelius. The idea of changing our own mindsets as outlined by Epictetus and the rest of Stoic philosophy was known to influence Albert Ellis, the founder of ...
Marcus Aurelius ####Epictetus Epictetus was a slave from birth until the age of 30. It was at this point that he decided to dedicate his life to philosophy. Seneca was a Roman senator, known for being ...
There’s a quote on my desktop from the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius that I’m making the subject of my New Year’s resolution in 2025. It goes like this: “How much time he ...