二酸化炭素(CO2)の排出量が石炭の半分以下となる「低炭素」エネルギーのLNG(液化天然ガス)。三菱商事が、その権益拡大を矢継ぎ早に進めて ...
液化天然ガス(LNG)の権益拡大に突き進む三菱商事。背景にある脱炭素時代に向けたエネルギー戦略について、天然ガスや脱炭素ビジネスを管轄 ...
Apart from the LNG stakes, Mitsubishi has also invested in 10 gas blocks in Malaysia and is involved in automobile, food, petrochemicals, metal and steel businesses there.
Japanese trading house Mitsubishi Corp. said on Thursday it has decided to apply for a stake in the new Russian entity that took over the Sakhalin-2 liquefied natural gas (LNG) project. Mitsubishi ...
The agreements outline investment from Mitsubishi Corporation into the Malaysia LNG ("MLNG") Dua and MLNG Tiga for the next decade - the extension of its 10 per cent equity shareholding in MLNG ...
Finnish ship engine manufacturer Wärtsilä will supply dual-fuel LNG engines, featuring low methane slip technology, to eight new CMA CGM boxships currently under construction at the Shanghai ...