Scopely has introduced a new sticker pack called the Swap Pack in Monopoly GO. With this, you can now trade out stickers you don’t need for the ones you actually want before adding them to your ...
Maandagavond werd het nieuwe stadsbestuur van Zottegem voor de periode 2025-2030 officieel geïnstalleerd in het OC van Leeuwergem. N-VA, cd&v en Positief vormen de bestuurscoalitie en leveren de ...
The Monopoly Go Down Under Wonders tournament is great for those of you who live in a cold country at the moment. Things are nice and toasty in Australia (compared to the likes of the UK, at least), ...
Hoe zonnig was het in Zottegem afgelopen jaar? Ontdek het in dit artikel. Slechts een vijftigtal gemeenten in Vlaanderen zitten boven de grens van 1.037,6 kWh/m² aan zonnestraling. Dat is de ...
In the Monopoly Go Chiseled Riches event, you need to race around the board to collect points which unlock awesome prizes, including Peg-E tokens to cash in and the coveted limited Moose board token.
There are a total of 50 milestones to reach in the Chiseled Riches Monopoly GO event. If you’re into cosmetics, you can unlock a cool Moose Token at milestone 17. The big rewards, like dice and ...
Similar to other Monopoly GO events, the Friendship Pays offers players a list of milestones to reach, each unlocking different rewards including Cash, Sticker Packs, free Dice Rolls, and this time, ...