Moog Music、キース・エマーソンのモジュラー・システム ... 弾ける Google検索トップのロゴがアナログシンセサイザーになった。
まずは今日の作品から紹介しよう。 Prophet-10、Moog One、OP-1 field、モジュラーシンセサイザーで制作した作品だ。昨日と使っているものはほとんど同じ。 Moog Oneのハーモニーに、Prophet-10でシンプルなメロディを演奏している。モジュラーシンセでは2基のPlaitsを ...
暮らしエマーソン・レイク・アンド・パーマー / タルカス Moog Modular シンセサイザー温故知新#001 wikipediaシンセの名演をたずね新しきを知ろうということで「シンセサイザー温故知新」第一回目です。... 概要を表示wikipediaシンセの名演をたずね新しきを ...
What? The Moog Synthesizer. It was one of the first modular voltage-controlled oscillators and amplifiers, created by Robert Moog. In layman's terms? Robert Moog’s synths were the first to ...
The term modular refers to a type of synthesizer that had different modules ... being independently developed by both Moog and Buchla working from innovations from Hugh Le Caine.
As a stand-alone instrument, Mavis is a straightforward analogue synthesizer with patchable modular utilities and the unmistakable Moog sound and quality. Easily remove Mavis from its case and it ...
One of the NID’s more unusual features was an electronic music studio, housing a brand new Moog modular synthesizer. Under the direction of New York composer and pianist David Tudor, who set up the ...
Grandmother is a semi-modular analogue synthesizer with a built-in arpeggiator, sequencer and spring reverb tank. Start playing immediately with "no patching required", and then explore an infinite ...
The Bob Moog Foundation is planning the first complete public broadcast of the Abominatron Tape, a recording made by Bob Moog that captures the synth pioneer explaining the controls, parameters ...