Louise Riggio is downsizing her Manhattan apartment, which means selling more than 30 works by artists including Mondrian, ...
There were also forged pieces purporting to be from Mario Puccini, Giacomo Balla and Afro Basaldella, as well as several other celebrated artists. The workshop where the paintings were being produced ...
パブロ・ピカソの絵画を研究していた美術史家が、表面下に隠されていたミステリアスな女性の肖像画を発見した。この女性の肖像画は、恐らく描かれた数カ月後に失われた。ピカソは1901年、この絵の上に塗り重ねて、彫刻家の友人マテュー・フェルナンデス・デ・ソトが ...