Inside the $32 billion industry transforming marijuana, its consumption and beliefs about its ability to heal.
“Consumer tech trends of 2025 will revolve around creating meaningful local experiences, fostering community connections and ...
The airline will introduce twice-weekly flights from Dubrovnik in Croatia to Marseille in France and Katowice in Poland.
As the U.S. ban on TikTok takes effect, a weather expert explains the conundrum it creates with risk and science ...
While the popular swimming and fishing spot is officially “closed,” warning signs are tiny and easily missed despite the presence of toxic chemicals.
深刻な干ばつがロサンゼルスの山火事を助長している。しかし、科学誌「 サイエンス 」に23日掲載された新しい研究論文で、気候変動により世界中で壊滅的な数年にわたる「メガ干ばつ」がさらに悪化するという警告が発せられている。
【ワシントン】米中央情報局(CIA)は、新型コロナウイルスのパンデミック(世界的大流行)が研究所からの流出によって引き起こされた可能性が最も高いとの結論に至った。これにより、長年にわたり科学者や政治家の間で激しい議論の的となってきた見方に信ぴょう性が ...
TV star Kym Marsh appeared on the latest episode of Channel 4's Sunday Brunch to share her thoughts on her new presenting gig ...
Balenciaga has released a limited edition handheld that runs a version of Snake to celebrate Lunar New Year, but it looks far worse than an old Nokia.
A solitary sunfish at an aquarium in Japan lost its appetite, began banging into the side of the fish tank and appeared ...
BENTON COUNTY, Wash. - Benton County auditor's Office mailing out February Special Election ballots on Wednesday Jan. 22.