Apple Original Filmsが、U2のボノに関するドキュメンタリー映画『Bono: Stories of Surrender』を2025年5月30日にApple ...
The debut album of music group Party Foul, made up of three Hawaii artists -- Wyatt “Uch” Kaneshiro, Jorden Kealoha-Yamanaka ...
自閉症と共に生きる文学的フリースタイルラッパー・GOMESSと、2000年生まれのトラックメイカー/DJのYackleによるプロジェクト・GOMESS & Yackle。1stアルバム『Coexistence』には、武瑠(ex.
「生命の樹~Tree of Life~」は、さだにとってソロ通算45作目、吉田政美とのフォークデュオ・グレープが1974年に発表した1stアルバム「わすれもの」から数えると自身通算50作目となるオリジナルアルバム。昨年配信されたシングル「Believe」や、グレープの楽曲などが収録される予定だ。
These are songs of survival,” Hanif Abdurraqib writes in his essay for “Little Oblivions.” This album is born out of falling ...
Colin Miller (of MJ Lenderman & The Wind) has announced a new album, Losin’, which Lenderman and other Wind/Wednesday members play on, and you can read more about the LP and lead single “Cadillac” ...
Zeiders is known for songs such as "Pretty Little Poison" and "Heartbreaker" and won the CMT Award for Breakthrough Male ...
Death metal often seems to belong to a bygone time, whether that’s the white-sneakered ’80s that birthed the genre or much, ...
At the end of January, Little Rock doom stalwarts Rwake, which is pronounced like “wake”, announced they would be releasing The Return Of Magik, their first new album in 13 years. Since the release ...