The Galaxy S series is Samsung's most polished and capable smartphone line, but it's time to shake things up. Here's what we ...
『ポケモンGO』の運営会社である「Niantic」は、2025年3〜6月にかけて、一部のAndroid端末のサポートを終了すると発表しました。 シンプルにお伝えすると“古いアンドロイド端末では『ポケモンGO』がプレイできなくなるよ”ということです。
Trainers using 32-bit Android devices will no longer be able to access their Pokemon Go accounts once support ends. Most ...
Pokemon Go will soon be ending support for older Android devices, meaning players will have to upgrade if they want to continue their journey.
Pokémon Go will roll out an update that will see various devices lose support, specifically older Android models.