With understanding and some coping strategies, your children will overcome separation anxiety as they get older. There is nothing to panic about it. Now that the schools are open after a long time, ...
Tearful, tantrum-filled goodbyes are common during a child's earliest years. Around the first birthday, many kids develop separation anxiety, getting upset when a parent, grandparent, or other primary ...
Separation anxiety in preschoolers during the first day of school is common, but parents can help by discussing school ...
Home educator and mother, Hannah Canavan has listed a series of alternative options for those parents with concerns about the ...
But is there a way to make being apart as easy as possible for your baby or child? In the video below, we highlight some of our top tips for dealing with separation anxiety in babies and young ...
For many children, the prospect of returning to school can invoke a wave of anxiety. However, by recognising the signs and ...
Separation anxiety is a common challenge for many parents and children. It often surfaces during developmental milestones, school transitions, or changes in routines.
Being supportive and patient while your child adjusts gradually will ease anxieties, ensuring a smoother transition to this new experience. Separation anxiety is one of the normal phases in ...
Separation anxiety becomes problematic if it persists into the school years and causes children to fear leaving home or getting lost. What do children worry about? Children worry, and they feel ...
But it's hard for them to feel OK, no matter what a parent says. Separation anxiety disorder. It's normal for babies and very young kids to feel anxious the first times they are apart from their ...
The first day of school is a big milestone, for kids and parents alike. For many little ones, it’s also a source of anxiety, ...
Adults can experience separation anxiety, although it is more common in children. Separation anxiety is an anxiety disorder. A person may develop extreme anxiety due to the separation, or ...