It is the successor of uvc-streamer, a Linux-UVC streaming application with Pan/Tilt. This snap ships the input_uvc, input_file, input_http and input_ptp2 as well as the output_file, output_http, ...
Snap camera lets you add AR filters to live streams and video chats on a PC but the real problem occurs while trying to remove it from the Desktop webcam. If you can’t uninstall Snap Camera in ...
Snap Camera lets you apply Lenses to your face while using your computer’s webcam. As such, you can integrate your favorite third-party live streaming or video chat applications with this tool.
useradd -c "Webcam routine" -b /var/webcam/ -d /var/webcam-snapshot/ -s /sbin/nologin _webcam install -d -m 770 -o root -g _webcam /var/webcam-snapshot/ ...
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