Several Okanagan athletes and were finalists and one took home a prestigious honour at the 57th annual Sport BC Athlete of ...
At the age of 38, Saurav Ghosal came out of retirement to win a major international squash tournament. Now, he's eyeing the ...
West Village residents are raising a racket over a posh rooftop bar and padel courts that developers, including Kith ...
6 時間
The Bridge on MSNSquash: Abhay Singh seeks help for Australian visa clearanceAbhay Singh is set to participate at the PSA Gold-level tournament, the Australian Open, starting on 11 March.
The Liverpool defender initially built the court without permission from East Cheshire Council, but has now been allowed to ...
This is how Kate Mason went from being an all-encompassing sports lover to becoming a leading female figure in sports ...
Press Run has news this week about two new exhibits opening at the Shaker Historical Society; a Department of Consumer ...
Leading local hope Paul Coll is through to the semi-finals at the New Zealand Open but the women's top seed was ousted in ...
The Uganda Squash Rackets Association (USRA) has partnered with the Edgbaston priority club Birmingham in the United Kingdom.
National governing bodies (NGBs) for cycling, fencing, rowing, sailing, and squash in the USA joined forces to launch a ...
心肺停止状態になった男性を連携して迅速な救命処置で助けたとして、港北消防署(長谷部宏光署長)は2月20日、区内のスポーツ施設、ヨコハマスカッシュスタジアムSQ―CUBEの利用者らに感謝状を贈呈した。 一命をとりとめたのは都内在住の高橋徹さん(47)。昨年10月29日、同施設でスカッシュの試合後に審判を務めていた高橋さんが急に意識を失った。隣で一緒に審判をしていた保坂伸也さん(49)が異変に気付き、 ...
この度、株式会社アイダ設計(本社:埼玉県上尾市、代表取締役社長:會田 貞光)は、日本のトップ選手が多数所属するスカッシュ団体「株式会社Greetings」とのスポンサー契約を更新したことをお知らせいたします。また、2月22日(土)~24日(月)の3日間にわたり「アイダ設計 Championships ...