A Nebraska native and cancer patient needs a liver transplant, but he says he never thought a battle with insurance would act as the toughest part of his journey.
Researchers have found in a randomised trial that High-dose IV vitamin C combined with standard chemotherapy significantly ...
ビタミンCサプリ「Lypo―C(リポシー)」を通販で展開するSPIC(スピック、本社神奈川県、芝田崇行社長)は2月1日、大手化粧品メーカーのポーラの執行役員を務めた、片峰靖朗氏を、執行役員ビジネス事業本部長として登用した。片峰氏は、「リポシー」を、全 ...
High-dose intravenous vitamin C combined with standard chemotherapy significantly extends survival in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer. Learn more.