冒頭でも触れた通り、Surface Pro(第11世代)は、Qualcomm製のSoC「Snapdragon Xシリーズ」を採用する。液晶ディスプレイモデルはCPUコア10基の「Snapdragon X ...
Microsoft has unveiled a new design for a possible flip smartphone, and has even patented it in a paper that was published ...
The GPD Duo is a dual-screen laptop that sometimes feels like the Swiss Army Knife of mobile computers. It has a robust set ...
Windows 10からの買い替えを考えている人にオススメな1台を今回紹介。スタンダードなミニタワー型ながら、Core i7に32GBメモリを搭載するなど、ハイスペックでしかも拡張性も高い。そんな1台がマウスコンピューターのセールで2万円オフ中です!
Katsof opens a bottle of their pink wine. It has a bottle cap, similar to a glass soda bottle, and inside is a slightly ...
I'm here to remind you that you have adult money now and no one can stop you from getting things that add a bit of joy to ...
Software startup Clay took years to figure out its product. Now it’s growing fast, with tens of millions in revenue and a ...
"Heat from the sun can cause body panels to expand out of tolerance, so the umbrellas help keep certain parts cool. The shocks are inspected and once you pass, it's time to get ready for practice," ...
Throwback cleaning tricks that get the job done Despite the abundance of powerful cleansers and handy products meant to make ...
That smoke smell is not just annoying, it's dangerous to your health. Here's how to get rid of it, from HVAC systems to ...
For the almost 520,000 Americans who will undergo treatment this year, the process leaves little room for a full life. An ...
From furniture that's seen better days to DIY backsplashes to effortless weed removal — your home is about to be revived.