DEAR ABBY: I have had a friend for many years. We’re from the same hometown and enjoyed getting together weekly for Saturday ...
I am hopelessly in love with my best friend and have been for most of our lives (we’ve been friends since childhood). Over ...
Dear Annie: I would appreciate it if you’d consider helping me figure out an answer to a question I am so tired of being ...
I would appreciate it if you'd consider helping me figure out an answer to a question I am so tired of being asked, which is, "Why haven't you ...
Is there any one-phrase response you can offer me that will put an end to that question and redirect the conversation?
Dear Annie: My mother died when I was 5, and I grew up in a very abusive childhood -- abuse in every sense of the word. I’m ...
One of her stepkids is now inviting their mother to events on her husband's side of the family. They've been divorced for ...
My mother died when I was 5, and I grew up in a very abusive childhood -- abuse in every... Log In With Your Email and Zip Email Zip Log In An active subscription to the Grosse Pointe News is required ...
That said, it hurts that my son doesn’t make an effort to connect with me beyond needing child care. I want to address this ...
Dear Abby: I am a middle-aged slender woman born into a family of women who have always struggled with weight. Ever since I can remember, I have been subjected to nasty jibes and microaggressions ...
Two pages of puzzles will appear in The Sunday Oregonian but some features, such as the TV grid, will move to the online ...