The holiday season is over, and everyone needs a respite –even your dishwasher. After so many loads full of sauce, and heavy ...
The EU’s new charging rule, which took effect on December 28, has officially established USB-C as the standard for charging ...
Canadians traveling to Europe can relax about obtaining a travel permit—at least for now—as the introduction of a new entry ...
The potential discovery of a large planet beyond Neptune’s orbit could change everything we know about the Solar System.
In 2024, news broke about the successful reintroduction of the takahē, a beautiful prehistoric bird, back into the wild.
Ah, it’s that magical time of year again when Alaskans eagerly await their annual “PFD payday” — a little financial warmth to ...
The federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 an hour since 2009—a record-breaking 16-year streak without a raise. It’s ...
The government has updated tax brackets and standard deductions. This means many people will get a bit more money in their ...
People living in the Greater Montreal area will face a sharp rise in vehicle registration costs at the Société de ...
Coins aren’t just pocket change —they can turn into pocket gold over time, thanks to their rare and sought-after qualities.
"I’d hesitate to purchase a Lion vehicle," says a former manager who worked in engineering and product development at Lion ...
This July marks 16 years since the federal minimum wage was last raised. Back in 2009, the rate of $7.25 per hour was ...