ANCYL leader Collen Malatji delivered an impassioned opening of the Peter Mokaba Memorial Lecture in Khayelitsha.
'n 57-jarige man is dood nadat hy aangerand is tydens 'n roof. Sy vrou was vasgebind, maar het die aanval oorleef.
The ‘breakthrough’ came after police received intelligence reports that the suspect was at his place packing his clothes with the intention of relocating to Windmill Park. A task team, comprising of ...
VANDERBIJLPARK – Die Bezuidenhout-drieling, Francois, Casey en Wynand gesels ‘n hond uit ‘n bos uit. Volgende week word hul ...
There were many disappointed residents on Friday afternoon when Empangeni municipal swimming pool, after having turned green, was closed to the public. Local swimming coach Sonja van Ryswyk, who was ...
The suspect handed himself to the Folweni Police Station and tells the court he intends pleading guilty to killing his girlfriend.
Chris Busby was the target of abuse by Connacht and Irish wing Mack Hansen, which saw the latter receive a ban.
Community members and municipal bodies gathered at a once-in-a-lifetime event to celebrate veteran preacher Isaac Rankuwe Tshepe’s 100th birthday.
The Tongaat Toll Plaza offices were robbed of approximately R165 000 in cash by armed men in the early hours of Thursday morning.
ANC says the party decided to host its event in Khayelitsha 'to connect with people' after its dismal election result.
Whether it’s a sunrise fishing expedition or a relaxing sunset braai, the river provides countless moments to treasure. Recent developments also bring peace of mind for homeowners and investors. The ...
SEBOKENG. – A 16-year-old girl died after she allegedly slipped and fell under a moving truck in Moshoeshoe Street over the ...