Mercy Health radiation oncologist Dr. Patrizia Guerrieri in Youngstown, Ohio raises awareness for cervical cancer screening ...
The University of Iowa study is analyzing the period between breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, when many patients feel ...
For many, an annual physical can feel like more of a hassle than a necessity. But for one Papillion man, it's that physical ...
Rozlyn Khan, a Stage 4 breast cancer survivor, recently spoke out about Hina Khan's public statements regarding her cancer journey, accusing the actress of exaggerating and using her treatment for ...
As Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s confirmation hearing to become the U.S. Health Secretary began this morning, here are three ...
EDINBURG, Texas – Edinburg Mayor Ramiro Garza has announced he has cancer and will not seek re-election.
I released the Mount Rushmore of Brooklyn-Queens CHSAA basketball as selected by the league’s longtime coaches, ...
In Alphen opent binnenkort het nieuwe OncoCare Centrum zijn deuren. Het centrum biedt gerichte oncologische zorg aan mensen ...
Het Groningse UMC (UMCG) krijgt opnieuw een miljoenensubsidie van de overheid om een veelbelovend kankermedicijn te maken.