Now, there’s something new: not a new Find My device, but a new case that incorporates external batteries. With an estimated ...
Counterpoint has analyzed the Chinese smartphone market and says its numbers show Apple’s sales slowing during the fourth quarter of 2024. A year-on-year market share comparison shows Apple’s sales ...
性能アップは期待していいかも。iPadシリーズ、いやタブレット市場の中全体で見ても、性能面で評価の高いiPad Pro。昨年はついにパネルのOLED(有機EL)化を果たし、デザインもシュッとスリムになりました。 では? 次は?
ナカバヤシ株式会社(本社:大阪市中央区、社長:湯本秀昭)はPCサプライブランド『Digio²(読み:デジオツー)』より、高感度極細ペン先で細部まで描ける、短いサイズで収納にも便利な「iPad専用充電式タッチペン ...
If you were expecting M4 iPad Pro-level thinness, think again. At least, it'll be the thinnest phone in the iPhone 17 lineup.
Apple is planning a revamped iPhone, new AI features, and updates to several products, including iPhone SE and Mac Studio, ...
The code sleuths at 9to5Mac have found evidence of an unreleased first-party app called “Apple Invites” in the second iOS ...