And gradually, her shoulder tightened until her arm could do nothing but hang at her side. “I couldn’t even explain how to ...
Dr. Pranay Kumar Neerumalla - Understand the connection between body weight and arthritis and some strategies to help control ...
Expert advice by Dr. Sharad Chaudhri understand the causes, symptoms and management of arthritis and joint pain.
From his knee to his back to his Achilles, take a look at the various injuries in Tiger Woods' career as well as his multiple returns to competition.
From his knee to his back to his Achilles, take a look at the various injuries in Tiger Woods' career as well as his multiple ...
Almost a quarter of Australians with back and neck pain have changed their work status due to their conditions, according to ...
If you've been wanting a better night's sleep, I have to share a "super comfortable" pillow that's one of my favourite ...
People with Crohn's disease and related joint inflammation linked to immune system dysfunction have distinct gut bacteria or microbiota, with the bacterium Mediterraneibacter gnavus being a potential ...
"When sitting, focus on keeping your spine straight, shoulders back, core tight and engage both your anterior and posterior chain muscles," Dr. Carbone says. "This can act to relieve stress on the ...